Thursday, September 3, 2009

Know Our Thresholds

We tried to do so many things at one time, trying our best to cater all the problems.

And we thought that that might be the best thing to do.

The fact is, we can't handle it single-handedly, or in one go.

It is best if we could find the thing that really defines our body of work and just work on it to the fullest potential rather than trying to do EVERYTHING.

If not, we'll end up with more problems, not solutions.

We can only go so far.

Be focused.

- kebuntuan idea -


zahidzuhri said...

lepas sigek threshold...ada lagik yang akan datang...sikkan habis,sampe ujung usia...

Unknown said...

but then, before we come to any conclusion, do we know what does it mean by the threshold, and what is our threshold?