Monday, July 27, 2009

Seni Ladang

Pergi ladang sama-sama.

Jumpa pokok lebih kurang sama.

Sekarang teman-teman seladang dah ada yang mengutip buah masak.

Kamu buat apa? Cemburu melihat buah masak yang lain.

Buat apa nak cemburu?


Pokok yang dijaga belum berbuah lagi.

Pesanan buat hati.

Jangan kecewa andai tidak mendapat buah.

Kerana usaha untuk memetik itu lebih bernilai.

Sahabat semedan berjaya memetik buah.


Tidak mengapa untuk merasa cemburu.

Lebih baik cemburu sebegini daripada cemburu akan keping emas.

Teruskan berusaha.

Lajukan langkah.

Jaga sistem pembajaan.

Tetapkanlah hati.

Kalau ditakdirkan berbuah, alhamdulillah.

Kalau tidak, jadi pokok yang menghias ladang pun tidak mengapa.

Sekurang-kurangnya tidak mati.

Moga terus tsabat.

Jangan sesekali pencen.

Jangan futur.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Journey to the East

A picture of Le Voyage d'Orient from Amazon. It was a different cover that I found in the library though.

724.60944 L467

That is the serial number for a book called Le Voyage d'Orient (Journey to the East). It is a small and modest book. An old and untouched one as well. Only those who seek it will find it, I presumed, as even the title can barely be seen now. Why was I looking for the book, when I should be researching on Le Corbusier's work? Well, it was, in a way, a research on Le Corbusier. For those of you who doesn't know Le Corbusier, he was named the "Architect if the Century" by the British Arts Council, in 1987. You know the concrete slab and columns used in many of the buildings nowadays? Well, thanks to him who introduced the construction system to the world. Well, just a brief introduction to Le Corbusier.

Le Voyage d'Orient was actually a visual diary of Le Corbusier's journey when he travelled to the Balkans and Asia Minor. It was said from this travel that he was influenced by the Ottoman architecture. It was a "muted but decided influence on his work" (Modern Architecture: A Critical History). It was quite surprising to discover that the Architect of the Century had once travelled to the Islamic countries during the last decades of the caliphate and was actually influenced by the architecture back then.

What excites me more is the fact that Le Corbusier experienced the life back then, and wrote it down in detail in this travel log book. It gives me yet another glimpse of the life during the caliphate era; an era when Islamic teaching was practiced and spread to the world. My first insight into this era was when I read about Mimarbasi Sinan.

I found some very interesting explanation in Le Corb's book. A description when he arrived at Adrianople,

"The Sultan Selim gives the city (Adrianople) a tiara of great splendor. The ancient Turkish capital has remained full of nobility. With their pure Eastern manners the fine old Turks who live here appear to us as holy men."

And then he continued describing the manners of the people,

"We were coddled, which means we were greeted by everyone and treated with kindness. In the cafes, the owner, crouching on a sofa, gets up and with pincers brings burning charcoal taken from the oven to light our cigarettes. We were seated in the street beneath a trellis. Kindly and curious Turks become interested and gather around. A pastry vendor offers us some of his goods and refuses to be paid. I knocked over and broke two water glasses. And the owner is offended because I want to reimburse him. He smiles, says thank you, salutes us and won't even accept payment for the coffee."

It was interesting. And to a certain extent, sad as well. On one side, people would see that that was how Muslims greet people. Kind, friendly, warm, generous, etc.. From another perspective, I was thinking that maybe the Muslims were beginning to recognise secularism introduced by the west. They celebrated a foreigner by offering them to smoke. Or maybe I was thinking too much.

This book was written in the early 1900s. Maybe just around the time when World War 1 exploded, around 1914. In 1924, the caliphate system was brought down. This means it was written during the last years of the caliphate era. I wonder how it was back then.

Perhaps I'll finish reading the book first.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Winter 2009 3

Seminar Mahasiswa Malaysia dan Perasmian ISMA Australia berakhir dgn jayanya semalam. Rasanya belum lagi hilang kepenatan, tetapi hari ini ramai sahabat-sahabat yang sudah pun keluar rumah, meneruskan kerja untuk program seterusnya. Roadshow Palestine Melbourne. Sebelum rakan serumah saya melangkah keluar dari rumah, dia sempat bertanya, "Manusiakah mereka ini?" Dia bertanyakan orang lain, sedangkan dia pun sama sahaja. Heheh.

Tiada komen. Tak normal kah? Ya, mungkin tidak normal untuk sesetengah orang. Tapi, rasanya hal ini sudah biasa saya lihat sepanjang mengambil jurusan senibina. Kerja tanpa henti. Rehat hanya di penghujung semester. Maka, ianya agak normal. Dan mereka juga manusia.

Para sahabat dan sahabiah jauh lagi hebat. Maka, bak kata lagu tema Sang Murabbi, bagi yang mengajamkan dirinya pada jalan ini, seharusnya cuba mengejar disiplin dan komitmen para sahabat.

فَإِذَا فَرَغْتَ فَٱنصَبْ
"Maka apabila kamu telah selesai (dari sesuatu urusan), kerjakanlah dengan sungguh-sungguh (urusan) yang lain..."

...ESOK, 18HB JULAI 2009...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


There was a quote that my first tutor told me about the world of architectural studies. And I still remember it today. It goes more or less like this,

"Getting high marks now (3 years ago), doesn't guarantee high marks in the future. Because some would drop out from the course, couldn't stand the stress, bored, etc.."

To a certain extent, that was true for some people.

A few days ago, or maybe a few times before that, I was told a similar fact that applies to the road I'm taking.

"Kebanyakan mereka yang ke hadapan semasa di Australia, tidak nampak lagi di Malaysia. Padahal, dialah yang memberi tazkirah di hadapan umum, menjadi imam, dan sebagainya. Yang kekal hanyalah mereka yang sedang-sedang sahaja, buat kerja belakang tabir."

More or less like that.

And so it made me think.


Sounds like that is how the world works. Sunnatullah.

So where should I be?

Sometimes, I am afraid of the unpredictable future.

I have said ambitious missions to be accomplished after graduating, with confidence.

But at times I forgot that fate is not in man's hand.

So here's my position right now.

Just work and work and work. Do things what I have. Clearly understand where, why, when, how, etc this road leads to.

So, in the near future, lets see how it goes. I surely hope I am maintaining my pace on this glorious path.

Okay. Need to collect the prints for tomorrow's Seminar Mahasiswa Malaysia 2009.

PERGI! heheh.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Winter 2009 2

Winter trip done.

Tomorrow rehearsal Seminar Mahasiswa Malaysia 2009.


Tak payah pergi la.

Tak penting pun.

(nada sarkastik. Faham kah?)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Winter 2009 1

Ski trip done.

"Islam di Nusantara, salah satu topik pembentangan JMD 2009 pastinya suatu tajuk buat kita semua. Eksplorasi ketamadunan ini adalah amat penting untuk kita benar-benar mengetahui apakah kaitan dan kepentingan bangsa Melayu di dunia serta siapakah nenek moyang kita yang mewariskan kemuliaan Islam ini kepada kita. Juga, ketahui siapa Laksamana Cheng Ho !

Pembentangan Wahai Pemuda pastinya akan membuatkan kita menyahut laungan itu, andai kita masih muda =). Sesuai dengan zon umur mahasiswa kita ini, Wahai Pemuda adalah topik yang tidak dapat dilepaskan bagi memberi suntikan perubahan kepada suasana generasi muda tanah air yang semakin hilang arah dan matlamat kehidupan."
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